Increasing concerns regarding air transmission of harmful pathogens have pushed restaurant owners to invest in UVC light devices that could disinfect both air and surfaces. This holds true as these dine in spaces host people in closed environments without masks, when the risk of airborne transmission could be particularly high.
In June this year, celebrity chef Bruno Serato of the Anaheim White House in the Orange County of California invested about $7,000 on the new UV equipment to make his customers feel at ease. He also outfitted a UVC system inside his air conditioning fixtures.
Taking it a step further, Silver Diner, country’s famous restaurant chain spent about $500,000 on ultraviolet cleaning systems that could disinfect both air and surfaces. These germicidal irradiation systems are being used in all of its 20 locations and are either installed in air conditioning equipment or air purifiers or overhead fixtures, that are also known as upper-room UV fixtures.
Justifying the huge investment, Silver Diner co-owner, Ype Von Hengst told nbcwashington, “It’s costly, but I think everyone will do it because it’s less costly than not having guests in your restaurants.” He also adds how investing in UV Light disinfection devices is in the best interest of his staff and customers.
There are many others who are following in the footsteps of Serato and Von Hengst to keep their restaurants up and running during a pandemic like this.
Here, it is important to throw some light on CDC’s new guidelines, published this October, which confirmed that the principal mode by which people are infected with SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) is through exposure to respiratory droplets carrying infectious virus. It further elaborated on how these respiratory viruses are transmitted in multiple ways.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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